Galilee is where Jesus was raised and spent most of
his mortal ministry. He taught parables, healed the sick, and ultimately stood
as an example to all. I was able to spend ten days in a kibbutz right on the
shores of the Sea of Galilee. It was absolutely beautiful. Calling this
experience surreal is an understatement. I consider it an honor to be able to
have stayed in a place that once housed the Savior. It is unfathomable.
During my time in Galilee I was able to visit many
biblical sites that were connected to Christ or his apostles. I wish I had time
to blog in depth about every site so that I could share this experience with
everyone. However, this would take days. I have decided that I would briefly
describe some of the things I did that could give glimpses of this amazing
Nazareth is a small village that Jesus dwelt in. He
is sometimes referred to as Jesus of Nazareth in the Bible. Nazareth has churches that commemorate Him and
His life.
This Crusader church was built over the traditional
site of the first century synagogue. This synagogue is the synagogue where
Christ’s family probably attended and where Christ announced his Messiahship in
Luke 4.
The church of Annunciation commemorates the angel
Gabriel’s announcement to Mary that she is going to bear the Son of God. This church
had really neat murals on the wall on the upper floor. It also had beautiful
doors that had various stories depicted on it.
The Sea of Galilee is the location where Christ walked
on the water, calmed the seas, and fed the multitude of the five thousand. Being able to cross the Sea of Galilee on a
boat and stop and have a devotional in the middle is an experience that I never
dreamed I would have. I really loved our
devotional. One of the things we talked about is how there maybe times that we
feel alone or are being rocked on the waves of life. This life is full of
stroms and tempests. However in the fourth watch Christ came unto the disciples
on the water. Just as he came unto the disciples on the Sea of Galilee, He will
come unto us. It might not be immediately, but our fourth watch will come if we
remain faithful.

Mount of Beatitudes is the location where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount to his early disciples. This sermon is the
key to bringing happiness. Beatitudes, or beatus in Latin, literally means
blessed or happy. President Harold B.
Lee called this sermon “the blueprint for perfection.”We were able to read the sermon on site which was
really cool. There is also a Roman Catholic Church of Beatitudes at the top.
St. Peter’s Primacy commemorates the biblical
account of Christ asking Peter if he
loved him three times. With the allotted free time I had to ponder, I thought of the exchange between Christ and Peter. I had to ask myself, “what
will I do to show the Lord I love him?” I think this is a question we must all
ask ourselves. Do we truly love the Lord? If so, what are we going to do to
show him?
Capernaum was the home to Peter, Andrew, and
possibly Matthew. Christ later referred to this as “his own city.” He moved to
Capernaum when he was rejected in Nazareth. Christ performed many miracles
(A house people believed was Peters.)
Just like in Jerusalem, we as students have a very
strict schedule. In Galilee we had scheduled classes that were sometimes three
hours long. Our meal times were planned, and the time allotted to each site we
visited was pre-planned. However we were also
given some free days where we were able to hang out by the lake. During these free times we sometimes had optional activities. One day we were allowed to go rafting down the
Jordan River. The rafting trip was calm and incredibly fun.
Another day we got to go on a 2 hour hike in the Golan Heights. We at one point were 2 km from Syria’s
border. We had a tour guide that took half of the students. The scenery was
breathtaking. It looked like Ireland to me...or at least how I picture Ireland. Two thirds of the way we were able to stop and swim in a
water fall. All I have to say is the water was FREEZING!

We got to go to Church with the Tiberius Branch on Saturday(
Saturday is when we celebrate the Sabbath.) The ward was small, but it was so cool. There
were people there with so many different backgrounds. For example, one of the
sacrament prayers was said in Hebrew and a sweet woman, who had a translator, bore her testimony in Spanish. Despite these different backgrounds, the meeting was similar to the ones in Utah. That is one
of the things I love about the gospel. No matter where you are at, no matter
what your background is, the church functions in the same way. We sing the same
songs, say the same sacrament prayers, have the same classes and topics, and are
led by the same prophet and apostles. It is a really neat experience to
The building had a beautiful view of the Sea of Galilee.
Mount Tabor is one site that has been venerated as the
Mount of Transfiguration. In order to get to the top you had to use shuttles. The driver of mine had a big mustache that was curled at the ends. As he was driving up the switchback road, he was listening to his music.Every time
we turned he would whip his head and shake his hand as if he was whipping sweat
off his face. It was funny.
At the top they had a beautiful church. After having
a devotional, a priest gave us a key to unlock the room where people believe
was the area where Christ was transfigured. It was interesting to go inside the
room. we could literally look up and see
people worshiping above us.
Megiddo originally was inhabited by Canaanites. It
later became one of Solomon’s chariot cities before being refortified by
Jeroboam and Ahab.
After a hot day filled with field trips we got to go
swimming at a watering hole. IN all honesty I thought we were going swimming in a dirty lake somewhere. However, I was pleasantly surprised upon
arriving at the swimming hole. It looked like a resort! There were beautiful
pools that had two waterfalls. It was man- made, but they made the inside and
outside look natural.
The craziest thing happened here though… it had
fish. Not just any fish, but fish that would eat the dead skin off of your
feet!!! It felt SO weird. I wouldn't say it was a feeling I enjoyed...
Hazor was the capital of one of the greatest
northern Canaanite city-states. It was conquered by Joshua.
“From Dan to Beersheba” is a saying in the Bible. This
described Israel’s borders. Present day Dan was conquered by the tribe of Dan
when they could not conquer their original inheritance in the Aijalon and Sorek
Valleys. This is where Jerobaom set up
one of his two idolatrous altars (the other one is in Bethel.) 1 Kings 12:25-33
Dan also has a mud-brick gateway that could have
been one Abraham walked through when he was rescuing Lot, his nephew, after he
was kidnapped (Genesis 14:14).
Caesarea Philippi is where Peter testified of Christ.
During Christ’s ministry many people had different ideas on who they thought
Christ was. Some thought he was John the Baptist, while others thought he was
Elijah. However, at Caesarea Philippi is where Peter testified that he knew Jesus
was the Christ.
Nimrod’s Castle was a Muslim fortress. It honestly
was like a medieval castle playground. I would be lying if I said I didn’t wish
Eliza was there so we could play some imagination princess game
like we use to.
Har Bental is a volcanic mound in the Golan Heights.
IT had a great view. IN the distance was the road to Damascus where Paul was

One of my favorite tender experiences in Galilee was
conference. I truly came to appreciate conference.I will never feel the same when at the beginning of conference they welcome people from all over the world. At En Gev, the place we were
staying, the internet was terrible. We were thus unsure if we would be able to
watch conference. A bunch of us crammed into a class room to try and watch the Saturday morning
session. The Lord blessed us and allowed us to get all the way through with only a few glitches.
Sunday session was my
favorite though. We were supposed to have our Ancient Near East class. Due to certain circumstances, our class was canceled. We then had the
night( there is a time difference) to try and broadcast the Sunday morning session.
The beach/ shore of the Sea of Galilee surprisingly had good internet. A group of students tried
to get as many people off of the internet so that we could try and
stream conference. To our great pleasure it worked!
I couldn't help but sit there and think how blessed I was. I was literally sitting on the shores of Galilee where Christ had
taught his disciples. And now, almost 2000 years later, I was sitting on the
same shore watching current prophets and apostles act as the Lord’s mouthpiece. I was able to listen to the Savior's counsel and learn from it. It was incredible.
Every 15 or so minutes we would have to refresh the
page because it would lose a connection. It was totally worth it though. It took us
about twenty minutes to get through the last five minutes of President Monson’s
talk. But we did not want to give up and we eventually got through the whole thing!
Muhraqa is on Mount Carmel. This is where Elijah
challenged the Priests of Baal. He partook in a competition to see who truly worshiped the real God. The challenge was to see who could set their sacrifice
on fire. Obviously Elijah won.
The Baha’I Gardens were beautiful. The Baha’I is a
religion that has over seven million members. They are accepting of most
religions. They believe that all world religions have been progressive stages
to reveal God’s will. They accept Moses,
Jesus, and Muhammad.
Haifa Templer Cemetery was really neat. It held the
graves of some of the earliest missionaries and converts to the church in that
Caesarea Maritima was a port city and was built by
Herod the Great. He sought to supersede Alexandria, in Egypt, as the main
trading center. It became Judea’s Roman
capital after Herod’s death. IT is also
connected with devote disciples. Philip
preached there. Peter baptized Cornelius, a Roman Centruion, and Paul
was imprisoned there for two years before he was taken to Rome.
Galilee was incredible and I am so blessed that I
can always study the Savior’s life!